Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Exploring Louisiana

"The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; 
the wise grows it under his feet.” – James Oppenheim

Reading travel blogs, teachers teaching abroad, has left a deep lingering feeling of want. I have always thought of traveling as some sort of holy and mesmerizing experience in which questions are answered, self-awareness is gained, and new experiences guarantee kindred spirits.

I stare for hours looking at pictures of exotic places. Wishing I could be the one in those pictures, feeling those feelings, eating that delicious food, laughing with beautiful people.

I think we all think it takes leaving a place arriving at another place will evoke such wonderful life. But I realized today, living in South US of A, Louisiana, could be a perfect place to gain a different aspect on culture.

Being from the capital, Baton Rouge, I often complain of too little culture, whatever that means. One relatively short drive I can go to New Orleans, where food, partying, and rich history is of abundance. Another short drive north, I could reach St. Francisville, a beautiful sleepy town, full of azalea bushes, bent oak trees over winding roads twisting and turning until you reach a beautiful plantation home.

I realize I have never been anywhere North Louisiana, and that's sad. I do want to travel around the world, but I do not have to see other countries as the only means to gain insightful wisdom and gain long-term lasting friendships, or short-term life-altering encounters with people.

I can travel in my home state, and experience all it has to offer. My happiness does not lie in distant places but in the place I call home. So from now on, every month, I will take a day trip to travel to at least one city in Louisiana that I have never been to. Wish me luck on these thrilling, insightful explorations. :)

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