And while often times we begin the year by thinking about all things we would like to change, I want to celebrate the fact that I have accomplished so much in this year.
I will be graduating this semester and feel the burden of getting a career going, much the same as most freshly graduated seniors. However I am determined to take this year to fantastic heights.
My New Year's resolutions in the past looked something like the following:
Lose weight
Save more money
Lose weight
Start a blog (check!)
Stop spending money
Lose weight
Something to that effect and I would feel guilty that another year rolled by without a pound lost or no money saved and nothing to show for the money spent.
This year? I am going to change things around, my (new) New Year's resolutions are:
Give myself grace. room to grow. learn.
take risks. love more. worry less.
I am very excited that the last year I was able to lose 30 lbs and can graduate with a 3.5 (despite a horrible gpa from LSU) all the while having 3 jobs and working on a thesis.
It's been a growing pains sort of year for me, but so worth it. 2014 is my year.
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